Environmental Policy of Bergman Engineering
Respect for the natural environment is one of the business priorities of the Company Bergman Engineering sp. z o.o., which is reflected in the principles and obligations expressed in this Environmental Policy. The Policy is part of the Company’s organizational culture and every employee and associate is obliged to comply with it in all aspects of its business. The Company undertakes to conduct its business with respect for the natural environment and to minimize its negative impact on the ecosystem, taking into account both the needs of modern society and future generations. We strive to continuously improve our practices to contribute to the conservation of natural resources and the sustainable development of the Company. The Company’s Environmental Policy is based on conducting business in accordance with legal applicable environmental protection regulations and standards, rational use of electricity, heat and water, strict compliance with regulations and guidelines as well as internal procedures related to waste reduction and recycling, reduction of air and water pollutant emissions and noise reduction, investment in energy-efficient environmentally friendly equipment and technologies, elimination of the risk of environmental failure through constant monitoring of equipment and installations, education of employees in the field of environmental protection and shaping pro-ecological attitudes.
We believe that our attention to environmental aspects has a direct impact on the economic efficiency of the Company and translates into other positive benefits, such as social acceptance of the company’s functioning and increasing the reputation and credibility in the eyes of our business partners.
The Company strives to constantly reduce the negative impact of its operations on the natural environment at every stage, making efforts to remove greenhouse gas emissions from Company’s value chain by increasing energy efficiency, the planned photovoltaic installation enabling the use of renewable energy sources, and the popularization of energy-mobility. We use energy-efficient office equipment, we oblige our employees and associates to turn off electronic equipment after work. We promote the efficient use of natural lighting and avoid excessive use of artificial lighting. We encourage our employees to use public transportation, bicycles, or electric cars as a means of transportation to and from work, as well as remote work practices and hold virtual meetings to reduce the need for business travel.
The Company undertakes activities to improve the energy efficiency of its enterprise by investing in energy-efficient equipment and technologies as well as systems protecting against heat loss, ensuring effective insulation, preventing unnecessary wear or loss of heat, as well as activities involving rational management of electricity, heat and fuels in order to reduce their consumption without deteriorating the Company’s operations and comfort of work.
Environmental protection largely depends on the processes and technologies that we use in the Company’s business operations. In the heat management process, we use (air source heat pumps), i.e. devices that use a renewable energy source (air). An energy-efficient ventilation system with energy recovery (recuperation) is installed at the Company’s headquarters, reducing energy consumption and energy loss. In the near future, the Company plans to start work on equipping the facility where the Company operates with photovoltaic installations, which will additionally enable the reduction of energy consumption in the Company’s daily operations and allow for a wider use of renewable energy sources.
Within the framework of the applicable regulations in the field of occupational health and safety, the Company guarantees access to clean and drinkable water for every employee and associate of the Company. The Company strives to minimize water consumption in its business processes through the use of low-consumption water-saving equipment and technologies, cost-effective sanitation systems, regular inspection and monitoring of the condition of installations and equipment in order to prevent failures. We promote pro-ecological attitudes and practical knowledge in the field of rational water management in order to reduce water consumption among our employees and associates, and we conduct regular training in this area taking into account both the needs of modern society and future generations.
The Company takes active measures to protect air quality by using devices in its business operations that ensure the lowest possible emission of pollutants, reducing GHG emissions by increasing the company’s energy efficiency, popularizing energy mobility among employees and associates, promoting the use of public transport, bicycles or electric cars as a means of transport to and from work, as well as remote work practices and virtual meetings in order to reduce the need for business travel and thus reduce emissions and pollutants.
Reducing the impact of the Company’s operations on the natural environment is one of our priorities. Being aware of the importance of a responsible approach, the Company undertakes to conduct its business with respect for the natural environment and to minimize its negative impact on the ecosystem.
As a company operating in the face of increasing environmental challenges, we are committed to practicing sustainable management of natural resources, bearing in mind that the use of natural resources should include their provision not only for today, but also for future generations. The key objective of the Company’s Natural Resources Management Policy is to minimise environmental risk by monitoring processes and activities affecting the natural environment and minimising. The key objective of the Company’s Natural Resources Management Policy is to minimise environmental risk by monitoring processes and activities affecting the natural environment and their minimising. We take care of the rational management of all resources, by which we mean economical, proper sourcing and use of each material used by the Company. We strive for maximum efficiency in the use of natural resources by investing in environmentally friendly, energy-saving technologies and equipment and minimizing pollutant emissions.
We are aware of how valuable water is for the environment, which is why we strive to reduce its consumption and maximize efficiency in its use.
We also conduct sustainable management of natural resources through rational waste management, treating them as far as possible as raw materials that can be returned to the production process in the process of recycling, reducing the impact of our operations on the natural environment. We are aware of how valuable water is for the environment, which is why we strive to reduce its consumption and maximize efficiency in its use. We also conduct sustainable management of natural resources through rational waste management, treating them as far as possible as raw materials that can be returned to the production process in the process of recycling, reducing the impact of our operations on the natural environment.
The Company assures that no aspect of its operations results in detrimental changes to soil or air quality, does not lead to water pollution or its excessive consumption, and does not cause harmful noise emissions.
The Company undertakes to actively cooperate with business partners, social organizations and local communities in order to promote environmental awareness and support initiatives aimed at protecting the natural environment.
We believe that by implementing sustainable natural resources management practices, we will strive to achieve harmony between economic development and environmental protection, contributing to the sustainable growth of our Company.
The company has introduced regulations and internal instructions related to the waste reduction and its segregation and requires all employees and associates to strictly comply with them. As part of the regulations we have introduced, we apply the principles of reduction and recycling of the materials used, including segregating waste on site and cooperating with local service providers to properly treat, reuse or dispose of it. We encourage our employees to reduce the use of single-use packaging and products and to use eco-friendly alternatives.
The Company applies a policy of well-thought-out purchasing plans to reduce the purchase of unnecessary products and reduce waste, and we encourage employees and associates to apply pro-ecological principles also in their private lives.
We promote paper minimization by encouraging employees to print on both sides and to use electronic documents and communication. We are implementing the digitalization of documents to reduce the need to print them in paper form.
The Company minimizes the use of chemicals in maintenance and sanitation of the equipment and rooms it uses. All chemicals that may be used in the course of business processes are stored in conditions that prevent uncontrolled release into the environment and disposed of in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and applicable regulations.
The Company is committed to conducting its business with respect for the surrounding environment and to minimise the negative impact on the quality of life of the inhabitants of our community. As a Company, we recognize the importance of reducing noise emissions and we undertake to implement actions in this direction, strictly complying with the applicable standards and regulations governing the maximum permissible noise level. We also provide adequate protection of rooms against the penetration of noise generated inside.
We promote environmental awareness among our employees, associates, customers and suppliers. We provide our employees and associates with regular training and education on pro-ecological practices, the impact of the Company’s operations on the environment and its sustainable development.
We make every effort to ensure that all employees and associates know and respect the principles of the Company’s Environmental Policy and are aware of their shared responsibility for its effective implementation and application in practice.
We continuously monitor our practices to identify areas where we can make improvements to reduce our impact on the environment.
We strive to continuously improve our environmental performance by investing in environmentally friendly technologies and pro-ecological solutions.
This Environmental Policy applies to all full-time and part-time employees, temporary workers, associates, agents, consultants, advisors, independent contractors and is publicly available on the Company’s website.
Transparency is part of the Company’s organizational culture and in order to ensure the highest standards, the Company provides effective and publicly accessible mechanisms for filing complaints and access to remedies in the event of breaches or abuses.
In order to ensure effective compliance with this Policy and other policies and regulations in force at the Company, the Company has implemented the Procedure for Reporting a Breach or Abuse and for the Protection of Whistleblowers, with which every employee and associate of the Company is familiar.
Anyone who becomes aware of a breach or abuse of the principles of this Policy, as well as has witnessed them, should immediately report this fact to the Company’s management board or through specially dedicated public channels for reporting breaches and abuses.
Any report will be treated confidentially and the Company has put in place an absolute prohibition on any retaliatory measures against the reporting person (whistleblowing and protection against retaliation).
The implementation of this Policy is linked to a training program for employees and associates and information activities throughout the Company.
The Company will periodically review this Policy and assess its accuracy and effectiveness. The Company will periodically review this Policy and assess its accuracy and effectiveness.