ENTRY This Human Rights and Working Conditions Policy is part of the Code of Conduct of Bergman Engineering sp. z o.o. and constitutes a set of principles and values on which are based the Company’s operations and the Company’s relations with its employees, associates and entities cooperating with the Company, regardless of their location, role, seniority and function. The policy is part of the Company’s social sustainability solutions and defines the principles of actions and behavior related to human rights and working conditions.In this Policy, we express our respect for all human rights in accordance with the guidelines of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, because we recognize that human rights are fundamental and indisputable principles to which every human being is entitled.
CHILD LABOUR AND YOUNG WORKERS As a fundamental principle of our Company, we do not employ children and young workers or support the use of child labor and young workers.
WAGES AND BENEFITS We make every effort to ensure that our workers receive remuneration and other benefits ensuring decent standard of living for workers and their families based on the assessment of the local labor market. Workers and associates are remunerated in accordance with applicable regulations respecting minimum wages and receive all government-mandated benefits. The company complies with the regulations regarding minimum wages, overtime compensation, wages for medical leave and makes efforts that wages exceed the minimum wages requirements.
WORKING HOURS AND WORKING TIME The company complies with all laws and regulations regarding working hours, which should not exceed 48 hours per week and the maximum number of overtime hours by ensuring adequate daily, weekly and periodic time off and breaks during work, as well as taking into account specific regulations for specific groups of employees, in particular women pregnant and disabled employees. The total workweek shall be restricted to 60 hours in emergency situation, including overtime. All overtime can only be done voluntarily. The Company respect the right to time off and leisure, reasonable limitations on working hours and periodic paid holidays.
MODERN SLAVERY The Company prohibits any form of forced or compulsory labour, forced overtime, work beyond established standards, human trafficking, obtaining an employee for forced labor using force, fraud or extortion, under the menace of penalty, retention of identity documents as well as all forms of modern slavery subject the provisions of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. The Company also prohibits indirect benefiting from such illegal activities. The company does not require its employees or associates to remain employed against their will and does not apply practices limiting the possibility of terminating the employment relationship. ETHICAL RECRUITMENT AND EMPLOYMENT
The company recruits and hires workers lawfully, in accordance with applicable Labour Standards, in a fair and transparent manner that respect human rights. The basis for recruitment and promotion are competences, qualifications, skills and experience. The Company prohibits recruiting employees in a manner that is misleading or defrauding potential workers about the nature of the work, asking to pay any recruitment fees or fees related to the commencement and legalization of employment from the candidate or employee. The company recognizes that the group most exposed to unethical practices are migrants looking for work, therefore it ensures that migrant workers have the same rights as local workers and prohibits the retention of any identity documents like worker passports or other government-issued identity documents. Each worker receives a written notification at the start of their recruitment, in a language well understood by them, stating in a truthful, clear manner their rights and responsibilities
FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION The company ensures freedom of peaceful assembly, freedom of association at all levels and collective negotiations in order to create and form structures, organizations to pursue common collective goals, and to establish trade unions to protect the interests of their members. The Company respects the right of every employee to join a trade union as well as the right not to join without fear of penalties and consequences such as intimidation, harassment or repressions. The company actively involves employee representatives in work on organizational matters of importance to employees, including collective negotiations between employer and employees regarding the working conditions and provides employees with the opportunity to independently choose their representatives who have direct contact with the management board.
Relations between employees should be based on mutual respect, loyalty and honesty. Each employee should be tolerant and respect the differences of other workers. The Company makes every effort to ensure a friendly and safe working environment, free from undesirable behaviors. Strictly prohibited are discriminatory actions, intimidation, harassment, sexual harassment, sexual abuse, corporal punishment, verbal and physical aggression, abuse in the workplace, mental or physical coercion, harsh and inhuman treatment, violence and any other form of abuse of power. The Company does not tolerate uncivil or inappropriate behavior, unfair treatment or repression in any form in the workplace or outside the workplace in work-related matters, regardless of individual characteristics or position held.
NON-DISCRIMINATION We believe that every individual or group should be treated equally and fairly, regardless of their particular characteristics. The Company does not tolerate any form of discrimination, harassment, exclusion or inequity in terms of remuneration based on sex, race, skin colour, ethnic, national, social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinions, membership in national minority, property, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation, membership in trade unions associations, organizations or political parties. The company makes effort to be an attractive employer by recruiting, employing and remunerating the best professionals solely on the basis of their merit and competence, without any discrimination. Company employees working in the same or similar positions should receive fair and adequate remuneration for the same work or work of equal value taking into account local labor markets and local living cost.
We see equal opportunities for women as a fundamental value of modern society. The Company believes that women have equal rights in political, economic, social and family life. Women have the right to equal education, employment, promotion, positions and functions, and to equal remuneration for equal work or for work of equal value. The company encourage and respects equal opportunities for women and men, counteracts all inequalities and discrimination based on gender, applying, among others, non-discriminatory principles when determining remuneration, allowances and other benefits and benefits for women and men, and ensures equal opportunities for women in employment, in particular by following only objective criteria in accordance with the guidelines of Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women.
The Company values diversity among our employees and associates, recognizes the uniqueness of each person, their unique predispositions and competences, individual contribution to the Company’s activities and treats each staff member with respect and dignity. Respecting the uniqueness of an employee is an opportunity to increase the creativity and effectiveness of the entire team and job satisfaction. We make efforts to create friendly workplaces, where every employee, regardless of their position, has the right to freely express their opinion and reach their full potential. We develop and promote an inclusive culture and encourage diversity in all levels of our workforce and leadership including management and directors.
The Company respects the rights of minorities and local communities in which it operates in accordance with national and international standards, respecting the rights of local communities to decent living conditions, education, employment, social activities, as well as the right to Free, Prior and Informed Consent to developments that may affect on them or their surroundings, with particular consideration for the presence of the vulnerable groups.
PRIVATE OR PUBLIC SECURITY FORCES The Company does not use private or public security forces to protect the business project, therefore there is no risk that their deployment may lead to violations of human rights. REPORTIG VIOLATIONS AND IRREGULARIETIES AND REMEDY MEASURES This Human Rights and Working Conditions Policy applies to all full-time and part-time employees, associates, temporary workers, agents, consultants, advisors, independent contractors and is publicly available on the Company’s website. Transparency is part of the Company’s culture and, in order to ensure the highest standards, the Company provides effective and publicly available mechanisms for filing complaints and access to remedies in the event of violations of human rights or working conditions. Anyone who learns about a violation of human rights or working standards in the Company or believes that he or she has become a victim of harassment, discrimination or other prohibited behavior or has witnessed such behavior should immediately report this fact to the Company’s management board or through specially dedicated channels for reporting violations and abuse.
Each report will be treated as confidential, and the Company has committed to non-retaliation actions against the complainant. The implementation of this Policy is related to the training program for employees and associates as well as information activities throughout the Company.
The Company will periodically review this Policy and assess its accuracy and effectiveness.